Whatcha Gonna Do?

Whatcha gonna do with those kids all summer long? It’s always a big task keeping them busy and happy, I know! I always find it a real challenge as I have so many different age groups to please…the perils of a large family. One thing I’ve learned to do is at the beginning of the summer, make a big long list of things you want to do with them. Have the kids make a list too. If it’s long, you may want to take the time to prioritize them…what are the must-dos and what would be nice but it optional. Trust me…with five kids, I never get everything on the list done. Ideas can be no cost like going to the library, walking in the park, having a friend over, low cost such as baking cookies, making treats and gifts, seeing a second-run movie as well as the more expensive vacation and site-seeing trips. My favorite way to spend a summer day is on the beach making sandcastles. Another idea I have always tried to incorporate into my children’s lives is exploring their creativity with arts and crafts. Yes…they sometimes make a mess but it is great entertainment value. I’m so glad my mother put up with me!

Paper Crafts Magazine has and awesome new publication out called PC Kids. I just got my copies the other day and I was so inspired looking through this HUGE issue. Whether you have little ones or older kids, there are so many fabulous ideas in this publication. Actually…I found a lot of ideas that I would like to use for my own crafting. This issue is not just for kids! One of the ideas I thought was perfect was a photo magnet strip for holding papers. It is just the idea I need to corral my childrens’ papers and art. I created a few designs for this issue but one of my faves was this Father’s Day design that I’m sharing with you below. Actually…not sure why but the photo I have here, is missing the dad tag…sorry! It should be on the little safety pin! The guitar and rock sentiment are from Kim Hughes’ Supah Star set. You can find this magazine in many craft or book stores and also on-line at Paper Crafts magazine.

Dad U Rock


Have a great weekend and stay cool!


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